| overview | week1 | week2 | week3 | week4 | week5 | week6 | week7 | overall |
2006 Low-Key Hillclimbs
Overall Results

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Nathan Hoover starts on Page Mill.
photo by Dan Connelly

The Story

After week 7, Tracy Colwell (team: Team Colwell) won the men's standings, 16.7 points ahead of 2nd-place Patrick Gordis, with 3rd-place Scott Frake a full 19.5 points back. Among the women, Cheryl Hennessy (team: Velo Bella) led by 21.3 points over second-place Stephanie Gruszunski, with Ingrid Erkman in third. Touring club Western Wheelers led the team standings, leaving racing teams Webcor/Alto Velo and San Jose Bike Club on the lower steps of the Low-Key team podium.

Adam Tow took the coveted endurance award, holding off a late charge by unicyclist Nathan Hoover. Bob Parker was the most-improved rider. Special note to Steve Nash, Nathan Hoover, and Beau Hoover, each of whom completed multiple climbs on unicycles, with 14-year-old Beau winning the overall unicyclist, fixed gear, and 16-and-under competitions. Nicely done! Menso de Jung was our top overall junior rider, on a more conventional two wheels...

Thanks to everyone for participating, and to those who came out for the awards ceremony on 5 Dec. We hope you'll be able to come out to Pen Velo's classic San Bruno Hillclimb on New Year's morning! We'll be awarding free entries to top riders in the men's and women's standings, as well as to the most improved rider, at the Awards.

Thanks to our great volunteers for making this series succeed!



pl  #   rider                  team                  category            week1   week2   week3   week4   week6   week7  overall
1   51  Tracy Colwell          Team Colwell          2                  131.02       -       -       -  137.20  125.11   393.33
2   31  Patrick Gordis         Grizzly Peak Cyclists 40+                     -       -  128.05       -  125.14  123.46   376.64
3   43  Scott Frake            WAV-ARA               Bald               125.91  123.31       -       -   --V--       -   373.84
4   19  Menso de Jong          Santa Cruz Syndicate  Junior             120.84  117.97  131.04  117.97       -   92.30   369.85
5   39  Clark Foy              San Jose Bike Club    40+                119.13  116.29       -  120.26       -  122.04   361.42
6   48  David Kelly            Webcor/Alto Velo      4                  118.52  114.12  121.46  117.49  121.20  117.96   361.18
7   1   Dan Connelly           TNT                   3                  120.15  115.19   --V--  119.82   --V--  116.96   359.95
8   17  Brian Edwards          Hell Riders           25-29              118.32  118.54  122.08  116.59       -       -   358.94
9   37  Bill Lloyd             Le Matin              1                  118.39       -       -  114.21  122.17  118.26   358.82
10  45  Rupert Brauch          WAV-ARA               3                  114.76  111.93       -  114.04  122.28  120.54   357.59
11  20  James Porter           Western Wheelers      Out Of Shape Dads  115.14  112.96  119.51  115.59   --V--  116.98   354.74
12  36  Bill Davis             Webcor/Alto Velo      4                  115.01  116.40       -       -       -  111.91   343.32
13  122 Michael Gonia          Western Wheelers      40+                     -       -       -  113.03  117.20  110.00   340.23
14  16  Peter Mehlitz                                45+                108.59  107.98  115.46  110.37  112.75       -   338.57
15  124 Jeff Farnsworth        Western Wheelers      40+                     -       -       -  110.42  111.01  107.11   328.53
16  40  Geo Kitta              Pen Velo/Kondra       50+                104.64  106.76  112.23  103.03       -  103.27   323.62
17  88  Peter Tapscott         AV: Old Guys Finish   50+                     -  102.21       -       -  110.20  109.70   322.11
18  4   Fred E. Stamm          Pen Velo/Kondra       50+                106.01  101.79  105.24  107.32  106.22  100.00   319.55
19  35  Ron Brunner            Commuter              Commuter           102.54  100.53       -  104.77  109.06  104.03   317.86
20  18  Jeff Loufit                                  45+                106.01       -       -       -  106.88  103.02   315.92
21  6   Greg Dougald           AV: Old Guys Finish   40+                100.29   95.22  104.19   --V--  104.95       -   313.72
22  29  Dean Larson            Team Dino             40+                     -       -  105.02  101.30  104.07       -   310.40
23  21  Pete Heller            AV: Old Guys Finish   50+                 99.29       -  100.53   --V--  104.55   99.40   307.62
24  67  Martin Hyland          Western Wheelers      50+                     -   94.48  101.63  100.99       -   98.65   301.27
25  2   Kevin Winterfield      Low-Key                                   --V--   --V--   98.19   99.50   98.88   97.01   297.57
26  70  Bob Parker             AV: Old Guys Finish   50+                     -   90.10  101.13   98.35       -       -   289.58
27  90  H. William Mirbach     Pen Velo/Kondra       55+                     -   90.70   94.01   95.84   98.77       -   288.63
28  11  Peter Merril           Adobe                 50+                 95.45   92.48   93.90   94.42   96.78       -   286.65
29  9   Ken Straub             Team Bikeaholics      Older Than You      90.94       -       -       -   97.54   94.55   283.03
30  34  Stephen Fong           San Jose Bike Club    5                   88.90   89.05   95.88   91.93   95.09   87.92   282.91
31  86  Alex Matthews          No Team               Cotter Pin              -   89.05       -   96.21       -   92.56   277.82
32  64  Keith Devlin           Team Devlin           59+                     -   88.86   92.35       -   95.46       -   276.67
33  94  Todd Benjamin                                                        -       -   85.80   87.58   95.59       -   268.97
34  73  Barry Burr             Men with Guts         45+                     -   91.72   --V--       -       -   87.34   268.59
35  93  Petro Hizalev          Webcor/Alto Velo      3                       -       -  132.01  123.76       -       -   255.77
36  15  Rich Brunner           Cruzie                39ish               79.66   78.39       -   83.77   88.36       -   251.79
37  66  Eric Roodhouse         SVTC                                          -   73.99   82.46   76.66   86.71       -   245.83
38  61  Jens Heycke            Me                    45+                     -  117.40       -       -  126.70       -   244.11
39  83  Kieran Sherlock        AV: Old Guys Finish   Open                    -  117.85       -       -       -  122.73   240.58
40  97  Greg McQuaid           Western Wheelers      35+                     -       -  121.72  115.13       -       -   236.85
41  25  Tim Porcival           Pen Velo/Kondra       5                       -       -   79.25   72.54   84.01       -   235.81
42  62  Daryl Spano            San Jose Bike Club    40+                     -  115.96       -       -       -  119.44   235.40
43  49  Adam Tow               Blubber Busters       Infinity            71.54   78.29   71.89   55.85   84.14   72.81   235.25
44  77  Jorge Chang            Blubber Busters       Infinity                -   75.26   82.33   77.23       -       -   234.82
45  10  Dick Robinson          TNT                   59+                 75.97   75.68       -   78.26   78.15   76.17   232.58
46  148 Dan Brehmer            Organic Athlete       40+                     -       -       -       -  118.01  113.44   231.45
47  54  Justin Lucke           Organic Athlete       Vegan                   -       -  111.22  113.36       -       -   224.59
48  89  JT Conklin             Identity Engines      35+                     -   65.73   72.07   72.27   73.19   72.53   217.99
49  81  Ramon Alarcon          San Jose Bike Club    4                       -  105.11       -  111.87       -       -   216.98
50  116 Shance Ordell          Western Wheelers      35+                     -       -       -  101.26  112.65       -   213.91
51  85  Chris Soukup           San Jose Bike Club    35+                     -  100.53       -       -       -  103.82   204.36
52  91  Beau Hoover            Team Cyclops          Unicycle                -       -   63.57       -   73.33   61.62   198.52
53  78  Alex Kramer            Western Wheelers      5                       -   95.74       -  100.50       -       -   196.24
54  101 Dave Johnson           Stanford Cycling      20-24                   -   99.47   96.31       -       -       -   195.79
55  41  Kwan Low               The Cutters           5                       -   58.50   58.24   65.78       -   69.40   193.69
56  38  Neil Bliss             Platypus Racing       Heavyweight         65.92   58.67       -   68.97       -       -   193.56
57  60  Nathan Hoover          Team Cyclops          Unicycle                -       -   62.56   66.95   63.35   61.62   192.87
58  138 Javier Szwarcberg      Western Wheelers      Whatever                -       -       -   91.38   97.61       -   188.99
59  110 Edward Miller          SLACer                65+                     -       -       -   89.49   99.38       -   188.87
60  126 Samual Wilson          Webcor/Alto Velo      Old                     -       -       -   89.04   92.36       -   181.40
61  105 Paul Sudano                                  58+                     -       -   93.62   87.34       -       -   180.97
62  47  Gavin McRaley          Webcor/Alto Velo      4                   93.00   82.07       -       -       -       -   175.07
63  119 J.L. de Jong           Meno's Dad            Beginner                -       -       -   81.77       -   91.76   173.53
64  79  Steve Nash                                   Unicycle                -   73.24       -   72.52       -       -   145.75
65  8   Craig Swarthout                              Old 51              66.98   63.68       -       -       -       -   130.65
66  26  Rick Martyn            Pegasus               45+                     -       -  127.33       -       -       -   127.33
67  141 Carl A. Nielson        Pegasus                                       -       -       -       -  126.24       -   126.24
68  171 Nathan Parks           EMC2/Vellum           35+                     -       -       -       -       -  124.50   124.50
69  92  Matthew Catgo          NSAID Fred            32.3                    -       -  122.93       -       -       -   122.93
70  137 Dave Galvin            BMC Racing            2                       -       -       -  121.66       -       -   121.66
71  84  Ryan Sherlock          Mad/Ireland           35+                     -  120.17       -       -       -       -   120.17
72  80  Andrey Revyakin                              30+                     -  119.93       -       -       -       -   119.93
73  131 Raffi Jrizian          Form Fitness          3                       -       -       -  117.97       -       -   117.97
74  127 Bryan Buck             AV: Old Guys Finish   4                       -       -       -  117.49       -       -   117.49
75  158 Charles Pockell-Wilson Equipe Mood Retro     40+                     -       -       -       -       -  116.62   116.62
76  55  Bob Rosemeyer          Pegasus               40+                     -       -  116.61       -       -       -   116.61
77  74  Dominic Giampaolo      Webcor/Alto Velo      One-Handed Gimp         -  115.30       -       -       -       -   115.30
78  42  Rob McNeill            WAV-ARA               2                  113.77       -       -       -       -       -   113.77
79  167 Kevin Merritt          AV: Old Guys Finish   45+                     -       -       -       -       -  112.31   112.31
80  108 Jesse Czelusta         Stanford Cycling      31+                     -       -  112.17       -       -       -   112.17
81  176 Dave Rossow            Webcor/Alto Velo      35+                     -       -       -       -       -  111.79   111.79
82  118 Mike Holt              ST Bikes              3                       -       -       -  111.33       -       -   111.33
83  65  Martin Voogel          Webcor/Alto Velo      35+                     -  111.22       -       -       -       -   111.22
84  75  Kenneth Norton         Pen Velo/Kondra       35+                     -  110.61       -       -       -       -   110.61
85  102 James Hill             AV: Old Guys Finish   50+                     -  109.82       -       -       -       -   109.82
86  157 Tim Lewis              San Jose Bike Club    35+                     -       -       -       -       -  109.81   109.81
87  155 Erik Best                                    4                       -       -       -       -       -  109.25   109.25
88  104 Tore Nauta             Webcor/Alto Velo      30+                     -  109.04       -       -       -       -   109.04
89  165 Allen Wulczynski       San Jose Bike Club    40+                     -       -       -       -       -  108.68   108.68
90  142 Rich Hill                                    40+                     -       -       -       -  108.58       -   108.58
91  109 Simon Haw              Stanford Cycling      South African           -       -  107.17       -       -       -   107.17
92  146 Tom Malzbender                                                       -       -       -       -  106.59       -   106.59
93  82  Phil Mehlitz           Easton/Specialized    Beach Bum               -  105.93       -       -       -       -   105.93
94  123 Earle Baker                                                          -       -       -  105.74       -       -   105.74
95  120 Chris May              Los Gatos             Junior                  -       -       -  105.69       -       -   105.69
96  121 Paul C. Janzen         Team Torgo                                    -       -       -  104.30       -       -   104.30
97  175 Jared Jacobs           Webcor/Alto Velo      25-29                   -       -       -       -       -  104.23   104.23
98  162 David Stockwell        San Jose Bike Club    50+                     -       -       -       -       -  103.63   103.63
99  174 Keith Jordan           Fremont Freewheelers  30+                     -       -       -       -       -  103.52   103.52
100 160 Andrew Lee             Used to Ride          35+                     -       -       -       -       -  102.80   102.80
101 100 Oswaldo Orozco         San Jose Bike Club    Fat-And-Heavy 40+       -       -  102.37       -       -       -   102.37
102 125 Chris Arriola          San Jose Bike Club    35+                     -       -       -  101.84       -       -   101.84
103 114 Phil Theodore          Tribe                                         -       -       -  100.64       -       -   100.64
104 140 Gary Griffin                                                         -       -       -       -  100.00       -   100.00
105 14  Chris Barnes           Stanford Almuni       30+                 99.71       -       -       -       -       -    99.71
106 32  Stefano Shiaffino                            40+                     -       -   99.48       -       -       -    99.48
107 128 Randal Buck            Old Guys              First Time              -       -       -   99.42       -       -    99.42
108 170 Vladimir Sayno         San Jose Bike Club    30+                     -       -       -       -       -   99.36    99.36
109 129 John Christensen       San Jose Bike Club    4                       -       -       -   98.56       -       -    98.56
110 173 Craig Boyce            Webcor/Alto Velo      35+                     -       -       -       -       -   97.82    97.82
111 156 Eric Murray            Webcor/Alto Velo      45+                     -       -       -       -       -   96.70    96.70
112 44  Brian Peterson         WAV-ARA               2                   96.59       -       -       -       -       -    96.59
113 115 John Murphy            CalTrain              35+                     -       -       -   96.45       -       -    96.45
114 99  Roberto St. Domingo    San Jose Bike Club    50+                     -       -   96.43       -       -       -    96.43
115 168 Stu Maclennon          San Jose Bike Club    35+                     -       -       -       -       -   96.18    96.18
116 117 David Baker            Webcor/Alto Velo      Slowest Of All          -       -       -   95.56       -       -    95.56
117 63  Michael Ma             Safeway               6                       -   95.00       -       -       -       -    95.00
118 151 Ted Burns              Webcor/Alto Velo      30+                     -       -       -       -       -   94.69    94.69
119 166 Todd Manley            San Jose Bike Club    6'9"                    -       -       -       -       -   94.63    94.63
120 149 Steve Sprang                                 30+                     -       -       -       -   94.40       -    94.40
121 12  Craig Baker            San Jose Bike Club    40+                 94.38       -       -       -       -       -    94.38
122 169 Andy Wissink           VSRT                  35+                     -       -       -       -       -   92.66    92.66
123 50  Francis Cebedo         RoadBikeReview        5                   92.30       -       -       -       -       -    92.30
124 46  Ken Chern              Pen Velo/Kondra       4                   91.42       -       -       -       -       -    91.42
125 72  Matthew Larson         Hopefully fast                                -   91.31       -       -       -       -    91.31
126 179 Erik Powell                                                          -       -       -       -       -   91.07    91.07
127 22  Tom Lawrence           Team Bikeaholics      35+                 90.75       -       -       -       -       -    90.75
128 135 Larry Munoz            Western Wheelers      Viejo                   -       -       -   90.62       -       -    90.62
129 172 Robert Werner          Webcor/Alto Velo      30+                     -       -       -       -       -   90.37    90.37
130 163 Greg Zubick                                  40+                     -       -       -       -       -   89.94    89.94
131 164 David Knight           San Jose Bike Club    30+                     -       -       -       -       -   89.81    89.81
132 143 QP Lin                                                               -       -       -       -   89.78       -    89.78
133 153 Neil Waters                                  Junior                  -       -       -       -       -   87.23    87.23
134 178 John Mitchell          Western Wheelers      50+                     -       -       -       -       -   86.20    86.20
134 177 Dan Stober             Western Wheelers      55+                     -       -       -       -       -   86.20    86.20
136 69  Rafael Rius            GA Riders             Slacker                 -   84.98       -       -       -       -    84.98
137 103 Toby Booth             Webcor/Alto Velo      30+                     -   83.81       -       -       -       -    83.81
138 24  Alex Sousa             Pen Velo/Kondra       5                       -       -   83.73       -       -       -    83.73
139 53  Peter A. Pulido        BBC                   55+                     -       -   83.35       -       -       -    83.35
140 133 Michael Svihura        Western Wheelers      40+                     -       -       -   81.05       -       -    81.05
141 33  Brian Birkeland        ACTC                  40+                 80.86       -       -       -       -       -    80.86
142 144 Jeff Rocca             GGTC                  40+                     -       -       -       -   77.97       -    77.97
143 132 Joseph Maurer          RUSA                  50+                     -       -       -   73.19       -       -    73.19
144 96  Jeff Namba             L'Escargot            40+                     -       -   72.89       -       -       -    72.89
145 161 Tim Lee                Used to Ride          35+ Mtb                 -       -       -       -       -   68.81    68.81
146 76  Derek Tumulak          Blubber Busters       Infinity                -   68.52       -       -       -       -    68.52
147 113 Greg Heller            Monte Vista           Junior                  -       -       -   54.91       -       -    54.91
148 52  Stephen Morris         Zero                  0                   52.99       -       -       -       -       -    52.99
149 30  Christian Farlann      L'Escargot            40+                     -       -   39.49       -       -       -    39.49


pl  #   rider                  team                  category            week1   week2   week3   week4   week6   week7  overall
1   7   Cheryl Hennessy        Velo Bella            35+                 97.18  101.69       -  126.49  114.23  111.56   352.27
2   68  Stephanie Gruszunski   Velo Girls                                    -   98.37  104.05  117.63  109.34       -   331.03
3   5   Ingrid Erkman          TNT                   OOSOL              102.99  116.74       -       -   --V--  100.00   329.59
4   95  Kelly Kasik                                                          -       -  100.00  109.75   96.10   91.91   305.85
5   71  Marie Borselle         Velo Girls            40+                     -   83.98   94.18       -   76.46   86.63   264.80
6   27  Christine Holmes       Librarian             40+                     -       -   76.98   89.60   73.84       -   240.43
7   139 Shannon Bankosh        San Jose Bike Club    5                       -       -       -       -  111.60  103.17   214.77
8   130 Sue Young              GDI                   Beginner                -       -       -  100.00  100.84       -   200.84
9   111 Pat Parseghian         Western Wheelers      50+                     -       -       -   91.87       -   81.46   173.33
10  106 Angela Liu             Velo Girls            25-29                   -       -   77.93       -   78.24       -   156.17
11  98  Kate Ladan             TNT                   Open                    -       -  142.76       -       -       -   142.76
12  56  Jennifer Barlan        Hawks                                         -       -  120.06       -       -       -   120.06
13  154 Anny Henry             EMC2/Vellum           30+                     -       -       -       -       -  111.57   111.57
14  147 Susanne Schwarz                              Clueless                -       -       -       -  107.41       -   107.41
15  107 Katie Antypas          Velo Girls            25-29                   -       -  101.49       -       -       -   101.49
16  145 Andrea Ivan            AV/Webcor             50+                     -       -       -       -   99.17       -    99.17
17  28  Colleen Cocoran        Fast Chicks           25-29                   -       -   90.42       -       -       -    90.42
18  134 Rae Chang              Blubber Busters       Slow                    -       -       -   80.57       -       -    80.57

Team Rankings

pl  team                    week1   week2   week3   week4   week6   week7  overall
1   Western Wheelers       115.14  303.18  342.86  343.75  345.89  334.09  1032.49 (Farnsworth,Gonia,Hyland,Kramer,McQuaid,Mitchell,Munoz,Ordell,Parseghian,Porter,Stober,Svihura,Szwarcberg)
2   Webcor/Alto Velo       326.53  345.82  253.48  336.81  213.56  341.66  1024.29 (Baker,Booth,Boyce,Burns,Davis,Giampaolo,Hizalev,Jacobs,Kelly,McRaley,Murray,Nauta,Rossow,Sherlock,Voogel,Werner,Wilson)
3   San Jose Bike Club     302.41  337.35  294.68  333.97  206.69  351.29  1022.61 (Alarcon,Arriola,Baker,Bankosh,Christensen,Domingo,Fong,Foy,Knight,Lewis,Maclennon,Manley,Orozco,Sayno,Soukup,Spano,Stockwell,Wulczynski)
4   AV: Old Guys Finish    199.58  329.89  305.85  319.59  319.71  344.74   994.33 (Buck,Dougald,Heller,Hill,Merritt,Parker,Sherlock,Tapscott)
5   Pen Velo/Kondra        302.07  319.16  311.48  306.19  289.00  203.27   936.83 (Chern,Kitta,Mirbach,Norton,Porcival,Sousa,Stamm)
6   TNT                    299.10  307.61  260.79  198.07  302.76  293.12   909.47 (Connelly,Erkman,Ladan,Robinson)
7   WAV-ARA                354.44  235.24       -  114.04  246.90  120.54   836.58 (Brauch,Frake,McNeill,Peterson)
8   Velo Girls                  -  182.34  299.72  117.63  264.04   86.63   746.11 (Antypas,Borselle,Gruszunski,Liu)
9   Blubber Busters         71.54  222.08  154.22  213.65   84.14   72.81   589.95 (Chang,Chang,Tow,Tumulak)
10  Stanford Cycling            -   99.47  315.65       -       -       -   415.12 (Czelusta,Haw,Johnson)
11  Team Colwell           131.02       -       -       -  137.20  125.11   393.33 (Colwell)
12  Team Cyclops                -       -  126.14   66.95  136.68  123.24   386.06 (Hoover,Hoover)
13  Grizzly Peak Cyclists       -       -  128.05       -  125.14  123.46   376.64 (Gordis)
14  Team Bikeaholics       181.69       -       -       -   97.54   94.55   373.78 (Lawrence,Straub)
15  Pegasus                     -       -  243.94       -  126.24       -   370.18 (Martyn,Nielson,Rosemeyer)
16  Santa Cruz Syndicate   120.84  117.97  131.04  117.97       -   92.30   369.85 (Jong)
17  Hell Riders            118.32  118.54  122.08  116.59       -       -   358.94 (Edwards)
18  Le Matin               118.39       -       -  114.21  122.17  118.26   358.82 (Lloyd)
19  Velo Bella              97.18  101.69       -  126.49  114.23  111.56   352.27 (Hennessy)
20  Organic Athlete             -       -  111.22  113.36  118.01  113.44   344.81 (Brehmer,Lucke)
21  Commuter               102.54  100.53       -  104.77  109.06  104.03   317.86 (Brunner)
22  Team Dino                   -       -  105.02  101.30  104.07       -   310.40 (Larson)
23  Low-Key                 98.40   98.40   98.19   99.50   98.88   97.01   296.77 (Winterfield)
24  Adobe                   95.45   92.48   93.90   94.42   96.78       -   286.65 (Merril)
25  No Team                     -   89.05       -   96.21       -   92.56   277.82 (Matthews)
26  Team Devlin                 -   88.86   92.35       -   95.46       -   276.67 (Devlin)
27  Men with Guts               -   91.72   89.53       -       -   87.34   268.59 (Burr)
28  Cruzie                  79.66   78.39       -   83.77   88.36       -   251.79 (Brunner)
29  SVTC                        -   73.99   82.46   76.66   86.71       -   245.83 (Roodhouse)
30  Me                          -  117.40       -       -  126.70       -   244.11 (Heycke)
31  Librarian                   -       -   76.98   89.60   73.84       -   240.43 (Holmes)
32  EMC2/Vellum                 -       -       -       -       -  236.07   236.07 (Henry,Parks)
33  Identity Engines            -   65.73   72.07   72.27   73.19   72.53   217.99 (Conklin)
34  GDI                         -       -       -  100.00  100.84       -   200.84 (Young)
35  The Cutters                 -   58.50   58.24   65.78       -   69.40   193.69 (Low)
36  Platypus Racing         65.92   58.67       -   68.97       -       -   193.56 (Bliss)
37  SLACer                      -       -       -   89.49   99.38       -   188.87 (Miller)
38  Meno's Dad                  -       -       -   81.77       -   91.76   173.53 (Jong)
39  Used to Ride                -       -       -       -       -  171.61   171.61 (Lee,Lee)
40  NSAID Fred                  -       -  122.93       -       -       -   122.93 (Catgo)
41  BMC Racing                  -       -       -  121.66       -       -   121.66 (Galvin)
42  Mad/Ireland                 -  120.17       -       -       -       -   120.17 (Sherlock)
43  Hawks                       -       -  120.06       -       -       -   120.06 (Barlan)
44  Form Fitness                -       -       -  117.97       -       -   117.97 (Jrizian)
45  Equipe Mood Retro           -       -       -       -       -  116.62   116.62 (Pockell-Wilson)
46  L'Escargot                  -       -  112.38       -       -       -   112.38 (Farlann,Namba)
47  ST Bikes                    -       -       -  111.33       -       -   111.33 (Holt)
48  Easton/Specialized          -  105.93       -       -       -       -   105.93 (Mehlitz)
49  Los Gatos                   -       -       -  105.69       -       -   105.69 (May)
50  Team Torgo                  -       -       -  104.30       -       -   104.30 (Janzen)
51  Fremont Freewheelers        -       -       -       -       -  103.52   103.52 (Jordan)
52  Tribe                       -       -       -  100.64       -       -   100.64 (Theodore)
53  Stanford Almuni         99.71       -       -       -       -       -    99.71 (Barnes)
54  Old Guys                    -       -       -   99.42       -       -    99.42 (Buck)
55  AV/Webcor                   -       -       -       -   99.17       -    99.17 (Ivan)
56  CalTrain                    -       -       -   96.45       -       -    96.45 (Murphy)
57  Safeway                     -   95.00       -       -       -       -    95.00 (Ma)
58  VSRT                        -       -       -       -       -   92.66    92.66 (Wissink)
59  RoadBikeReview          92.30       -       -       -       -       -    92.30 (Cebedo)
60  Hopefully fast              -   91.31       -       -       -       -    91.31 (Larson)
61  Fast Chicks                 -       -   90.42       -       -       -    90.42 (Cocoran)
62  GA Riders                   -   84.98       -       -       -       -    84.98 (Rius)
63  BBC                         -       -   83.35       -       -       -    83.35 (Pulido)
64  ACTC                    80.86       -       -       -       -       -    80.86 (Birkeland)
65  GGTC                        -       -       -       -   77.97       -    77.97 (Rocca)
66  RUSA                        -       -       -   73.19       -       -    73.19 (Maurer)
67  Monte Vista                 -       -       -   54.91       -       -    54.91 (Heller)
68  Zero                    52.99       -       -       -       -       -    52.99 (Morris)

  black:       score counted
  grey:        score discarded
  green:       volunteer-adjusted, counted
  faded green: volunteer-adjusted, discarded

Endurance Award standings

pl  rider                  time
1   Adam Tow               421:01
2   Nathan Hoover          389:58
3   JT Conklin             369:55
4   Kwan Low               345:00
5   Marie Borselle         331:35

Most Improved ranking

pl  rider                  scores %/week
1   Bob Parker               3   4.48%
2   Todd Benjamin            3   3.78%
3   Kwan Low                 4   3.76%
4   Eric Roodhouse           4   3.30%
5   Stephanie Gruszunski     4   2.79%
6   Tim Porcival             3   2.75%
7   Cheryl Hennessy          5   2.52%
8   Neil Bliss               3   2.47%
9   Rich Brunner             4   2.35%
10  H. William Mirbach       4   2.06%
11  Keith Devlin             3   1.65%
12  Peter Tapscott           3   1.56%
13  JT Conklin               5   1.53%
14  Greg Dougald             4   1.35%
15  Jorge Chang              3   1.30%
16  Rupert Brauch            5   1.26%
17  Ken Straub               3   0.89%
18  Ron Brunner              5   0.80%
19  Peter Mehlitz            5   0.76%
20  Adam Tow                 6   0.74%
21  Alex Matthews            3   0.61%
22  Clark Foy                4   0.60%
23  Beau Hoover              3   0.50%
24  Peter Merril             5   0.48%
25  Martin Hyland            4   0.40%
26  Pete Heller              4   0.34%
27  James Porter             5   0.34%
28  David Kelly              6   0.30%
29  Bill Lloyd               4   0.30%
30  Dick Robinson            5   0.28%
31  Stephen Fong             6   0.19%
32  Dean Larson              3   -0.07%
33  Brian Edwards            4   -0.15%
34  Dan Connelly             4   -0.15%
35  Tracy Colwell            3   -0.22%
36  Jeff Loufit              3   -0.27%
37  Kevin Winterfield        4   -0.30%
38  Fred E. Stamm            6   -0.36%
39  Michael Gonia            3   -0.52%
40  Geo Kitta                5   -0.53%
41  Bill Davis               3   -0.56%
42  Jeff Farnsworth          3   -0.83%
43  Nathan Hoover            4   -0.85%
44  Patrick Gordis           3   -0.87%
45  Barry Burr               2   -0.98%
46  Ingrid Erkman            3   -1.32%
47  Marie Borselle           4   -1.37%
48  Scott Frake              2   -2.07%
49  Christine Holmes         3   -2.54%
50  Kelly Kasik              4   -2.97%
51  Menso de Jong            5   -4.53%

Top weekly scores

pl  rider                  week score
1   Kate Ladan                3 142.76
2   Tracy Colwell             6 137.20
3   Petro Hizalev             3 132.01
4   Menso de Jong             3 131.04
5   Tracy Colwell             1 131.02
6   Patrick Gordis            3 128.05
7   Rick Martyn               3 127.33
8   Jens Heycke               6 126.70
9   Cheryl Hennessy           4 126.49
10  Carl A. Nielson           6 126.24

100% Club

Dan Connelly