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Low-Key HillClimb Series:
Week #7 - Quimby Road : 15 Nov 1997


Unfortunately, Quimby road fell to the fates of weather! This is the second time this year (after Kings) and the second time ever (after Kings) that a Low-Key Hillclimb has been canceled. Come back next week for Bohlman, which will make you glad for the added recovery today!


Into the mist..., you pedal on.

Surrounded by an orb. A sphere of visibility. Your world. Your reality.

And the road tilts upward. Steeper.

Motion ceases to have meaning except in the abstract. The road appears ahead -- materializing from the haze. And then it is gone... behind.... annihilated.

And still it gets steeper.

Your effort grows. Slower? Impossible -- you ran out of gears long ago. Harder. The orb hovers. The road appears.


The route begins to turn... to bend... to writhe in your agony. Direction is meaningless. The orb hovers. The road continues.


You emerge from the swichbacks... and reality explodes. You have risen above the mist... above the clouds. Your fate is now clear.


That's gotta hurt...
Source: Roads to Ride South by Peterson and Kluge; Heyday Books, 1985

The Details

Distance: 4.9 miles (7.9 km)
Climbing: 2000 feet (610 m)
Mean Grade: 7.7%
Also Used: 1995 week 10
Format:mass start
Start: First intersection on Quimby Road past White Road
Directions: Check out the interactive Yahoo map!
Finish:Top of Quimby
Reg Time:10:00 am to 10:20 am
Start Time:10:30 am
Fee:$5 per entry, under 18 or over 65 free!
Weather: Click here for local forecasts
Map: [course map]
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Profile: [course profile]
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Profile from Roads to Ride South by Petersen and Kluge; Heyday Books 1984

What has roots as nobody sees,
Is taller than trees
Up, up it goes,
And yet never grows?
JRR Tolkein

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