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Low-Key HillClimb Series:
Week #5 - Soda Springs Road : 01 Nov 1997


Week 5 results are in!!!

Click here to check 'em out.


The ecstasy of the unknown...

Your first time....
Distances distorted....
Each undulation a new challenge....
Each section a new encounter...
Each turn a new view...
Each view a new reward....
The summit a new victory.

Savor it.

The Details

Distance: 5.7 miles (9.1 km)
Climbing: 2250 feet (686 m)
Mean Grade: 7.5%
Also Used: This is the first time!
Format:mass start
Start: Soda Springs Road and Alma Bridge Road, Los Gatos, CA
Directions: Check out the interactive Yahoo map!
Finish:up the road a piece
Reg Time:10:00 am to 10:20 am
Start Time:10:30 am
Fee:$5 per entry, under 18 or over 65 free!
Weather: Click here for local forecasts
Map: [course map]
Click on map for expanded view
Profile: [course profile]
Click on profile for expanded view
Profile from Roads to Ride South; Peterson and Kluge; Heyday Books 1984

Like a deer he sprang away. Through the trees he sped.
On and on he led them, tireless and swift,
now that his mind was at last made up.
The woods about the lake they left behind.
Long slopes they climbed, dark, hard-edged against the sky
already red with sunset.
They passed away, grey shadows in a stony land.
JRR Tolkein

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